Access-Friendly Sliding Doors Create Pathways to Easier Living
As aging in place and multi-generational households continue trending, integrating universal design into homes has become essential. Improvements, such as wider doorways for accessibility, can enrich life quality for people of all ages and abilities. Those desiring to live at home during their later years can benefit from easy-to-navigate doorways with sliding doors that accommodate mobility aids, including wheelchairs and walkers. Extended families can also enjoy wider doorways for smooth sailing of kids’ strollers, wheelchairs for elderly or disabled family members, and more.
The 1500SC Series Soft-Close Pocket Door Frame Kit accommodates stylish wood and metal doors up to 165 lbs and 60” wide. The 2610SC Soft-Close Wall Mount Sliding Door Hardware handles doors up to 165 lbs and 96” wide.
Expertly engineered, Johnson’s hardware lets you maximize usable space where needed, from bathrooms to high foot-traffic areas. Compared to swinging doors, which present obstacles, pocket doors free up to 14 square feet of floor space for easier travel of mobility aids through doorways, more turnaround space, and extra areas for household items.
Johnson’s durable pocket door hardware exceeds the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standard for door width. The ADA requires a minimum clear width of 32” from door face to opposite stop, but Johnson’s hardware accommodates up to 60” for greater accessibility. Pocket doors also conveniently slide into the wall, while swinging doors require forward and backward movements alongside them, tricky with a wheelchair or walker.
To ensure unobstructed floor surfaces, Johnson provides Trackless Door Guides for its sliding bypass and multi-pass pocket door series. Without floor tracks, people using mobility aids can pass through doorways without a hitch. (Shown below: Series 111MP Tri-Pass Pocket Door Hardware)
Since 1958, Johnson Hardware has been producing high quality sliding, folding and pocket door hardware that is made in the USA for residential and light commercial applications. Celebrating 60 years of precision engineering, the Company protects the health and safety of its employees and surrounding communities and ecosystems. It uses natural resources including raw materials, energy and water as efficiently as possible.
For more information, visit, or call (574) 293-5664.
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